Laboratory of Signal Processing for Communications

Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte
Current - Postdoctoral reseracher
Department of Microwaves and Optics – DMO
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering – FEEC
2009 - Ph.D. Degree
Electrical Engineering (Signal, Image, Speech and Communications) - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP) - France.
Ph.D. Thesis: Design of smart chemical sensor arrays: an approach based on source separation methods.
2006 - M.Sc. Degree
Electrical Engineering - School of Electrical and Computing Engineering at University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
M.Sc. Thesis: On blind source separation and contributions to the nonlinear case.
2004 - B.Sc Degree
Electrical Engineering - School of Electrical and Computing Engineering at University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
Research Interests
- Unsupersived signal processing;
- Signal Separation;
- Independent Component Analysis;
- Chemical Sensor Arrays;
- Bayesian methods for signal processing;
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